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       本主题类别: Ontology Engineering | Web Services    
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    发贴心情 AMT 2012 final CFP--deadline extended to 31st July 2012

    [Apologies for multiple postings]

    Papers Due:  31st July 2012
    Due to repeated requests, the deadline is extended to 31st July 2012.

    Final Call For Papers

    The 2012 International Conference on Active Media Technology (AMT'12)
    December 4-7, 2012, Macau SAR, China

    A Special Event of the Alan Turing Year
    (Centenary of Alan Turing's birth)  
    as part of World Intelligence Congress 2012

    Turing Keynote Speaker: Edward Feigenbaum  
    (1994 Turing Award Winner)

    # (Papers Due: *** 31st July 2012 ***
    # Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings
    # by Springer as a volume of the series of Lecture Notes
    # in Computer Science (LNCS), which are indexed by EI.
    # A selected number of the best papers from AMT'12 will be
    # published in the two journal special issues (SCI, EI)

    In the digital era, we are witnessing rapid scientific and technological
    developments in human-centered, seamless  interfaces, devices,
    connections, computing resources, computing environments and systems
    with their applications ranging from business and communication to
    entertainment and learning; these developments are collectively best
    characterized as Active Media Technology (AMT). AMT is a new area of
    intelligent information technology and computer science that emphasizes
    the proactive, seamless roles of interfaces and systems as well as new
    media in all aspects of digital life. An AMT based system offers active
    and transparent services to enable the rapid design, implementation and
    support of customized solutions.

    Active Media Technology 2012 (AMT12) will be under the 2012 World
    Intelligence Congress, a Special Event of the Alan Turing Year
    (Centenary of Alan Turing's birth), and held jointly with other four
    international conferences (BI12, WI-IAT12 and ISMIS12).  The World
    Intelligent Congress will facilitate interactions and idea exchange
    among researchers working on a variety of focused themes under
    intelligent informatics.  The Congress will have a joint opening,
    keynotes, reception and banquet.

    The topics and areas include, but not limited to:
    - Active Computer Systems and Intelligent Interfaces
    - Adaptive Web Systems and Information Foraging Agents
    - Agent-Based Software Engineering and Multi-Agent Systems
    - AMT for Semantic Web and Web2.0
    - Cognitive Foundations for AMT
    - Data Mining, Ontology Mining and Web Reasoning
    - Digital City and Digital Interactivity
    - E-Commerce and Web Services
    - Entertainment and Social Applications of Active Media
    - Human Modeling and Personalized Services
    - Media Art with Computing
    - Machine Learning and Human-Centric Robotics
    - Network, Mobile and Wireless Security
    - Personalized and Pervasive System and their Interfaces
    - Semantic Computing for Active Media Systems
    - Sensing Web
    - Smart Digital Media
    - Transparent Computing and Active Services
    - Trust on Web Information Systems
    - Ubiquitous Intelligent Devices and Systems
    - Web Based Social Networks
    - Web Mining, Wisdom Web and Web Intelligence

    Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings by
    Springer as a volume of the series of Lecture Notes in Computer
    Science (LNCS) and also will be available on site.

    Authors are strongly encouraged to use Springer LNCS/LNAI manuscript
    submission guidelines (http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html)
    or their initial submissions (a maximum of 12 pages in Springer
    LNCS/LNAI style file).  All papers must be submitted electronically
    in PDF format only, using the conference management tool.

    A selected number of the best papers from AMT'12 will be published and/or
    recommended to the following journal special issues including Computational  
    Intelligence (Wiley, SCI), Knowledge and Information Systems (Springer, SCI),
    Cognitive Systems Research (Elsevier, SCI), International Journal of Information
    Technology and Decision Making (World Scientific, SCI), International Journal of
    Semantic Computing (World Scientific, SCI), Future Generation Computer Systems
    (Elsevier, SCI),International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networkings
    (Inderscience, EI) and International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering(Inderscience, EI).

    *** Contact Information ***
    Runhe Huang (Hosei University, Japan)

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