以文本方式查看主题 - 中文XML论坛 - 专业的XML技术讨论区 (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/index.asp) -- 『 DTD/XML Schema 』 (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/list.asp?boardid=23) ---- [zz]XML相关规范之间的关系 (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=23&rootid=&id=32) |
-- 作者:admin -- 发布时间:10/10/2003 11:37:00 AM -- [zz]XML相关规范之间的关系 此主题相关图片如下: Diagramming the 原文位于 http://www.xml.com/lpt/a/2003/10/08/family.html XML Family XML Related Reading Table of Contents Schemas allow us to publish and share these rules for new vocabularies and check the validity of any files which claim adherence to a particular vocabulary. Unlike Document Type Definitions, XML Schema uses the XML syntax, allowing us to parse and query XML Schema files using standard XML tools. (See the XML.com article "Using W3C XML Schema" for more detail.) Namespaces For example, an XML schema for books could define a <table> element that defines a table of contents. A second schema for furniture could also define an element named <table>. If data from both were to occupy the same XML file, it would be impossible to differentiate which <table> was which. By defining a unique identifier, a namespace, for each XML vocabulary, we can group the elements under each identifier, so that XML software can identify each vocabulary element being used. (See the XML.com article "XML Namespaces by Example" for more information.) URIs A URI can be one of two types: a URN (Uniform Resource Name) or a URL (Uniform Resource Locator). The distinction between the two is a little vague and overlaps in some respects. URLs identify a resource by its location or by an address for accessing the resource. URNs identify a resource by an address that doesn't necessarily access the resource but which must be unique and must always refer to the same resource, even if it moves or becomes obsolete. In this way, a URN could also be a URL, if the URL address was guaranteed to persist and always point to the same resource. In practice, URLs are the most commonly used kind of URI, particularly for namespace identifiers. Once an organization has purchased a unique domain name, it can create namespace identifiers based on this name. By using URLs which it theoretically owns, the organization can control and manage namespace identifiers under this domain, ensuring no namespace conflicts. RDF Notes from a Small Island has an ISBN of 0552996009 <book name="Notes from a small island"> <document identifier="0552996009"> By introducing an overarching model, RDF provides a superior solution. The RDF model is enforced within the XML syntax by basically restricting the XML rules and by introducing a set of core elements and attributes. The real power of RDF comes from its use of namespaces and URIs. RDF vocabularies can be defined with RDF Schema. Within an RDF instance document, however, these vocabularies can be more easily mixed than in standard XML. Once a vocabulary has been created that defines an author property, as long as the vocabulary is assigned a unique namespace, the property can be used in any RDF file. RDF software, with knowledge of just a single RDF vocabulary, can search all statements in all files for particular authors. URIs provide the icing on the RDF cake. When an RDF vocabulary is defined, each element within it can be referenced by a URI, uniquely identifying it. Each element can also define any part of a triple, i.e. RDF can be used to create lists of resources (things you want to describe), properties, and property values. A triple can consist of nothing but URI references. Unlike standard XML, RDF files commonly contain data that can be decomposed into a set of URIs. For example, the previous XML example could be represented in RDF as <rdf:RDF xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.0/" <rdf:Description rdf:about="urn:isbn:0552996009"> </rdf:RDF> Item we are describing: urn:isbn:0552996009 All aspects of the data can be unambiguously identified. For example, in a standard XML document, the author could be stated as "Bill Bryson", "Mr Bill Bryson" or "Bryson, Bill." Software searching for this author would need to be aware of the potential differences in representation and could also run into trouble if a second author existed with the same name. In RDF, assuming that all files use the same URI to reference the author, the author can always be uniquely identified. If nothing else, if and when engines such as Google starts to make use of RDF and its power of relations, it will become extremely good at The Kevin Bacon Game. (See the XML.com article "RDF: Ready for Prime Time" for more information.) by Daniel Zambonini XSLT XSLT in particular is powerful and commonly used. XSLT is an XML vocabulary that can completely transform XML data into another XML format or any other text format. (See the XML.com article " XML.com Style Resource Centre" for more information.) XPath XPath also contains basic functionality for matching data (testing if an element has a specific value), as well as string and number manipulation. XSL-FO Table of Contents Read Online--Safari Search this book on Safari: SVG SVG images boast an array of benefits over similar formats, including all the benefits associated with XML (platform independence, flexibility, open nature) and accessibility features. (See the XML.com article "SVG: A Sure Bet" for more information.) Creating the Diagram RDF likes us to specify unique URIs, so we'll use the specification document URL for each technology we are describing. In terms of the information that we need to record, basic properties such as title, subject and relationships are required. Luckily, RDF vocabularies already exist for properties such as these, so we won't need to define our own with RDFS. We'll use the Dublin Core RDF vocabularies: Basic Dublin Core element set (RDF) for title, description, subject and date properties. Take a look at our RDF data for the technologies. For each technology we've specified title, description, creation date, relationships, and occasionally a subject. The subject property allows us to semantically group some technologies under common concepts, even if there are no specific relationships between them. We'll make use of the subject data in the diagram. As you may have guessed, we're going to use SVG for the diagram -- thus, the next step is to convert our RDF data into a visual SVG representation. We'll use XSLT and XPath to transform our RDF data into SVG objects (squares, lines, and text). The specifics of the XSLT aren't important (you can look at the XSLT that converts the RDF into SVG if you're curious.) What is important is to recognize how and why we've used it. The XSLT contains a series of logical steps that convert our input RDF data into a completely different visualization of the same data. Note that this XSLT has been designed specifically for our input data. Given time and proper planning, you could develop XSLT templates that transform any set of RDF statements into similar visualizations. It is, however, probably better to use an RDF toolkit. XSLT to parse all of the permitted constructs of RDF that you might find in the wild can be extremely complicated.
SVG currently has limited support in web browsers and image viewers; as a final step we'll embed the diagram into a PDF document to make it available to a larger audience. An additional XSLT file is used to create the XSL-FO for our document, defining and structuring the page and its contents. Within the XSL-FO, the original XSLT for the SVG diagram is called, embedding the SVG code within the XSL-FO page. The output (XSL-FO plus embedded SVG) is then processed with an XSL-FO processor. We'll use Apache FOP. FOP converts our plain text XSL-FO into a PDF file, rasterizing the SVG into a diagram on the page (using Apache Batik). We finally have our PDF diagram of the XML technologies. Conclusion When XML and RDF data become ubiquitous on the Web, the potential for querying and displaying the information will be enormous. The tools and underlying technologies are already in place. All that's needed is a greater understanding of the potential that it offers. The growth of these technologies is limited largely by our reluctance to commit. XML.com Copyright © 1998-2003 O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. |
-- 作者:阿星[aXing] -- 发布时间:2/16/2004 4:23:00 PM -- 强 |
-- 作者:sam -- 发布时间:4/16/2004 8:51:00 AM -- 顶 |
-- 作者:hyandlsz -- 发布时间:4/19/2004 2:32:00 PM -- xiexie |
-- 作者:无忧的鱼 -- 发布时间:4/26/2004 1:40:00 PM -- 谢谢,能不能介绍一些有关shcema的详细资料。 |
-- 作者:ltsvg -- 发布时间:4/28/2004 3:07:00 PM -- 多谢! |
-- 作者:hyandlsz -- 发布时间:5/8/2004 2:35:00 PM -- 有中文资料吗? |
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