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     * 贴子主题: 文件操作,將一個文件中的特定值插入到另一文件的指定處 举报  打印  推荐  IE收藏夹 
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    发贴心情 文件操作,將一個文件中的特定值插入到另一文件的指定處

    int GetValueInFile(char * fileName,char *bufferGet,char *locationStr,int xIndex)
     FILE * fpSource;
     char msgShow[256] = ""; 

     int length = strlen(CurrentPath)+strlen(fileName);

     char * soureFileName = new char [length];

     if ( !(fpSource=fopen(soureFileName,"r") ) )
      sprintf(msgShow,"\nFile Define In Config can't be read :\n%s\n",soureFileName);
      return 1;

     int xCount = 0 ;
     bool GotThat = false;
     while ( !feof(fpSource) )
      char buffer[256] = "";
      if ( strstr(buffer,locationStr)>0 )
       int xlocation = strstr(buffer,locationStr)-buffer;
       if ( xIndex==xCount )
        int xBegin=xlocation+strlen(locationStr);
        int xEnd= xBegin;
        int length = strlen(buffer);

        for ( ;  buffer[xBegin]==' '; xBegin++ )
        for ( xEnd= xBegin; (buffer[xEnd]!=' ')&&(buffer[xEnd]!='\n');xEnd++ )
        if ( xEnd>xBegin )
         GotThat = true; 
         printf("\nGet Value OK:\n%s\n",bufferGet);     
         sprintf(msgShow,"\nThe %dst string By keyword: \n%s\nFound but is Null in File: \n%s\n",
     if ( !GotThat )
      sprintf(msgShow,"\nThe %dst string By keyword: \n%s\nNot found in File: \n%s",

     return GotThat?0:1;

    int AddValueToFile(char * fileName,char *valueWrite,char *locationStr,int xIndex)
     FILE * fpSource;
     FILE * fpDest;
     char msgShow[256] = "";
     int length = strlen(CurrentPath)+strlen(fileName)+5;
     char * tmpFileName = new char [length];
     char * soureFileName = new char [length];


     if ( !(fpSource=fopen(soureFileName,"r") ) )
      sprintf(msgShow,"\nFile Define In Config can't be read :\n%s\n",fileName);
      return 1;

     if (!( fpDest=fopen(tmpFileName,"w")))
      help("\nCan't Create New File in current locatioin!");
      return 1;

     int xCount = 0 ;
     bool GotThat = false;
     while ( !feof(fpSource) )
      char buffer[256] = "";
      if ( !GotThat )
       if ( strstr(buffer,locationStr)>0 )
        if ( xIndex==xCount )
         GotThat = true;
         int xlocation = strstr(buffer,locationStr)-buffer;   
         char writeBuffer[256] = "";

         int xBegin = 0;
         for ( xBegin= xlocation+strlen(locationStr);
           (buffer[xBegin]!=' ')&&(buffer[xBegin]!='\n');
           xBegin++ )



     if ( GotThat )
      if ( 0!=remove(soureFileName) )
       sprintf(msgShow,"\nCan't remove file:\n%s\n",soureFileName);  
       printf("ERROR Code:%d\n",errno);
       return 1;
      if (0!=rename(tmpFileName,soureFileName))
       sprintf(msgShow,"\nCan't Rename in current locatioin!\n%s",soureFileName);  
       printf("ERROR Code:%d",errno);
       return 1;
      printf("\nSet Value OK\n"); 
      sprintf(msgShow,"\nThe %dst string By keyword: \n%s\nNot found in File: \n%s",

     return GotThat?0:1;

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