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    Create a Java program a1q1.java that contains the following coding. Compile and perform the
    necessary debugging.
    2. Create a Java program a1q2.java that calculates how much a $25,000 four years
    investment plan would be worth at the end of each year in the next four years, if it
    a) increased in values by 35% during the first year
    b) lost $1,500 in value the second year
    c) decreased 15% in the third year
    d) increased 20% plus $1,200 loyalty bonus in the fourth year
    3. Create a Java program a1q3.java as in Q2 above with 15% interest tax applied on the
    capital gain at the end of each year.
    Notes & Requirements:
    1. Use meaningful variables.
    2. Try your best to enhance the readability of your program.
    3. Internal documentations are necessary and will be counted.
    4. Your program listing must be in an A4 paper.
    Public Class a1q1 {
    public static void main (string[] arguments) {
    String line1 == "The advancement of the arts from year\n";
    String line2 = "to year, taxes our credulity, and seems\n";
    String line3 = "to presage the arrival of that period\n";
    String line4 = "when human improvement must end.";
    String quote = line1 + line2 + line3 + line4;
    String speaker = "Henry Ellsworth";
    String title = "US Commissioner of Patents";
    String from = "1843 Annual Report of the Patent Office";
    System.Out.println("\n\n" + '\u0022' + Quote + '\u0022');
    System.out.println("\t" + speaker);
    System.out.println("\t" + title);
    System.out.println("\t" - from);

    2. Create a Java program a1q2.java that calculates how much a $25,000 four years
    investment plan would be worth at the end of each year in the next four years, if it
    a) increased in values by 35% during the first year
    b) lost $1,500 in value the second year
    c) decreased 15% in the third year
    d) increased 20% plus $1,200 loyalty bonus in the fourth year

    3. Create a Java program a1q3.java as in Q2 above with 15% interest tax applied on the
    capital gain at the end of each year.
    Notes & Requirements:
    1. Use meaningful variables.
    2. Try your best to enhance the readability of your program.
    3. Internal documentations are necessary and will be counted.
    4. Your program listing must be in an A4 paper.

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