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    >> 讨论HTML、XHTML、Web2.0、Ajax、XUL, ExtJS, jQuery, JSON、Social Networking System(SNS)、Rich Internet Applications (RIA)、Tagging System、Taxonomy(tagsonomy,folkonomy)、XForms、XFrames、XInclude, XBL (XML Binding Language)等话题
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     * 贴子主题: 3d效果页面,高手过招flash+xml,不看后悔,上演示, [讨论][求助] 举报  打印  推荐  IE收藏夹 
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    发贴心情 3d效果页面,高手过招flash+xml,不看后悔,上演示, [讨论][求助]

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
               <!--the radius of the rotate wall circle,
                 it is recommand to set the value to be around or bigger than the screen stage width,
                 at least to be bigger than the half stage width
            <!--the y position of the rotate wall compared with the center position,
            this value is for you to adjust the wall vertically-->

                  <!--the image row number-->
                  <!--the image column number,
                  for the infinit roate effect to running perfect,it is important to
                  set the colnum*unitwidth to be bigger than your expected max stage width-->
                  <!--the roate arc step for the wall, the positive number to rotate anti-clockwise,
                      the negatvie number to rotate clockwise,it is recommand to set the value
                      between 0.0001 to 0.0005,or between -0.0001 to -0.0005-->
                  <!--The LOGO on the up left corner,set to "" if you no need this-->
                  <logo res="imgs/logo.png" link="http://www.activeden.net" offx='10' offy='10'/>
                  <bgcolor>0x000000</bgcolor><!--the whole background color for the gallery-->
                  <bgalpha>1</bgalpha><!--the whole background alpha for the gallery-->
                         <!--the color of the highlight mask layer-->
                         <!--the alpha of the highlight mask layer-->
                  <tooltip>1</tooltip><!--tooltip on/off 0ff,1n-->
                                <extended><!--the extended part for the bg around the image icon-->
                         <!--the unit's width and height-->
                         <!--the width len bewteen two icon images-->
                         <!--the height len bewteen two icon images-->
                         <!--the unit pop up depth(recommand:0-100)-->

                  <!--define the gradient fill type of the shadow,reference to the Graphics.beginGradientFill method-->
                      <!--1pen shadow for the buttom row, 0:close shadow for the buttom row-->
                         <!--for white bg:0xffffff,0xffffff-->
                      <!--for white bg:1,0-->
                      <!--for white bg:50,255-->
                  <!--the mask width set for the whole stage set,
                      if screen be bigger than this size, the outer range will not been seen,
                      to the consideration of the showing efficiency,it best to be less than 1280 pixel in width-->
           <!--media unit-->
                  <!--the image node sample-->
                         <!--the media icon image-->
                         <!--the media resource,auto judge resource type by its suffix-->
                         <title><![CDATA[图像节点示例]]> </title>
                         <information><![CDATA[The row number and column number of the gallery's images could be set through the XML.<br/>The Envato <a href='http://envato.com/' target='_blank'><font color='#99ff00' size='14'>Envato Marketplaces</font></a> are ActiveDen, AudioJungle, CodeCanyon, ThemeForest, GraphicRiver, VideoHive, 3DOcean, CodeCanyon and the Tuts+ Marketplace.<br/>They are a set of interconnected sites that allow anyone to buy or sell all sorts of digital products, ranging from website templates, to tutorials, to royalty free stock graphics. When you create an account on one, it will work on any of them!<br/>Our mission is to help people to earn and to learn, online.<br/>We operate marketplaces where hundreds of thousands of people buy and sell digital goods every day, and a network of educational blogs where millions learn creative skills.<br/><br/>The Envato Marketplaces allow anyone to buy or sell digital goods like WordPress themes, background music, After Effects project files, Flash templates and much more.]]> </information>
                  <!--the swf node sample-->
                         <title><![CDATA[SWF节点示例]]> </title>
                         <information><![CDATA[The width and height of the grid unit icon could be defined through XML.<br/>The Envato <a href='http://envato.com/' target='_blank'><font color='#99ff00' size='14'>Envato Marketplaces</font></a> are ActiveDen, AudioJungle, CodeCanyon, ThemeForest, GraphicRiver, VideoHive, 3DOcean, CodeCanyon and the Tuts+ Marketplace.]]> </information>

                  <!--the video node sample-->
                         <title><![CDATA[电影简介]]> </title>
                         <information><![CDATA[Auto Play:On,Loop:Off.<br/>Try out the draggable feature.<br/>Observe the playing progress,a smooth solution instead of NetStream.time.<br/>The author of this great preview video is <a href='http://videohive.net/user/dorde' target='_blank'><font color='#0098ff'>Dorde</font></a>.]]></information>
                         <!--optional arguments-->
                         <!--the desire video width&height limit,the video will be fill to the width and height limit, ommit this,will use the default video size-->
                         <autoPlay>1</autoPlay><!--0:not auto play,1:auto play,default:1-->
                         <loop>0</loop><!--0:not loop,1:loop,default:0-->
                         <bgcolor>0xf6efd3</bgcolor><!--the bgcolor for the player tool bar bg-->
                  <!--the audio node sample-->
                         <title><![CDATA[音效卡名称]]> </title>
                         <information><![CDATA[Auto Play:On,Loop:Off. Use a swf as back ground.<br/>The author of this great preview audio is <a href='http://videohive.net/user/Slats' target='_blank'><font color='#0098ff'>Slats</font></a>.]]> </information>
                         <!--the desire audio face image width&height limit,the audio face image will be fill to the width and height limit,ommit this,will use the default size limit(600*450)-->
                         <autoPlay>1</autoPlay><!--0:not auto play,1:auto play,default:1-->
                         <loop>0</loop><!--0:not loop,1:loop,default:0-->
                         <bgcolor>0xc9d8e3</bgcolor><!--the bgcolor for the player tool bar bg-->              
                         <title><![CDATA[电影简介]]> </title>
                         <information><![CDATA[Auto Play:On,Loop:On.<br/>The author of this great preview video is <a href='http://videohive.net/user/dorde' target='_blank'><font color='#0098ff'>Dorde</font></a>.]]></information>
                         <autoPlay>1</autoPlay><!--0:not auto play,1:auto play,default:1-->
                         <loop>1</loop><!--0:not loop,1:loop,default:0-->
                         <title><![CDATA[图片标题]]> </title>
                         <information><![CDATA[The Gallery's Rotate Speed and Rotate Range could be set through XML.]]> </information>
                         <title><![CDATA[图片标题]]> </title>
                         <information><![CDATA[The between length of two icon's could also be set through XML.<br/>The Envato Marketplaces are ActiveDen, AudioJungle, CodeCanyon, ThemeForest, GraphicRiver, VideoHive, 3DOcean, CodeCanyon and the Tuts+ Marketplace. ]]> </information>
                         <title><![CDATA[Video Title]]> </title>
                         <information><![CDATA[Auto Play:Off,Loop:On.<br/>The author of this great preview video is <a href='http://videohive.net/user/dorde' target='_blank'><font color='#0098ff'>Dorde</font></a>.]]></information>
                         <autoPlay>0</autoPlay><!--0:not auto play,1:auto play,default:1-->
                         <loop>1</loop><!--0:not loop,1:loop,default:0-->
                         <title><![CDATA[图片标题]]> </title>
                         <information><![CDATA[The border size and its normal color and highlight could be set through the xml.]]> </information>
                         <title><![CDATA[The Swf Size Set Sample]]> </title>
                         <information><![CDATA[The swf size could be set through xml,the swf will be zoom to the size limit,and keep the ratio.]]> </information>
                         <!--optional arguments-->
                         <!--the swf width&height limit,the swf will be zoom to this size limit,but keep the ratio-->

                         <title><![CDATA[Movie Intro]]> </title>
                         <information><![CDATA[Auto Play:On,Loop:Off.<br/>The width and height of the playing video could be set through xml.<br/>The author of this great preview video is <a href='http://videohive.net/user/dorde' target='_blank'><font color='#0098ff'>Dorde</font></a>.]]></information>
                         <!--optional arguments-->
                         <!--the desire video width&height limit,the video will be fill to the width and height limit, ommit this,will use the default video size-->
                         <autoPlay>1</autoPlay><!--0:not auto play,1:auto play,default:1-->
                         <loop>0</loop><!--0:not loop,1:loop,default:0-->
                         <bgcolor>0xf6efd3</bgcolor><!--the bgcolor for the player tool bar bg-->
                         <title><![CDATA[图片标题]]> </title>
                         <information><![CDATA[Textfield's scrollbar will be shown when there are too many words.<br/>The Envato <a href='http://envato.com/' target='_blank'><font color='#99ff00' size='14'>Envato Marketplaces</font></a> are ActiveDen, AudioJungle, CodeCanyon, ThemeForest, GraphicRiver, VideoHive, 3DOcean, CodeCanyon and the Tuts+ Marketplace.<br/>They are a set of interconnected sites that allow anyone to buy or sell all sorts of digital products, ranging from website templates, to tutorials, to royalty free stock graphics. When you create an account on one, it will work on any of them!<br/>Our mission is to help people to earn and to learn, online.<br/>We operate marketplaces where hundreds of thousands of people buy and sell digital goods every day, and a network of educational blogs where millions learn creative skills.<br/><br/>The Envato Marketplaces allow anyone to buy or sell digital goods like WordPress themes, background music, After Effects project files, Flash templates and much more.]]> </information>
                         <title><![CDATA[The Image Size Set Sample]]> </title>
                         <information><![CDATA[The image size could be set through xml,the image will be zoom to the size limit,and keep the ratio.<br/>]]> </information>
                         <!--optional arguments-->
                         <!--the image width&height limit,the image will be zoom to this size limit,but keep the ratio-->
                         <title><![CDATA[图片标题]]> </title>
                         <information><![CDATA[The Envato Marketplaces are ActiveDen, AudioJungle, CodeCanyon, ThemeForest, GraphicRiver, VideoHive, 3DOcean, CodeCanyon and the Tuts+ Marketplace. They are a set of interconnected sites that allow anyone to buy or sell all sorts of digital products, ranging from website templates, to tutorials, to royalty free stock graphics. When you create an account on one, it will work on any of them! ]]> </information>
                  <!--the video node sample-->
                         <title><![CDATA[Movie Intro]]> </title>
                         <information><![CDATA[Auto Play:On,Loop:Off.<br/>Try out the draggable feature.<br/>Observe the playing progress,a smooth solution instead of NetStream.time.<br/>The author of this great preview video is <a href='http://videohive.net/user/dorde' target='_blank'><font color='#0098ff'>Dorde</font></a>.]]></information>
                         <!--optional arguments-->
                         <!--the desire video width&height limit,the video will be fill to the width and height limit, ommit this,will use the default video size-->
                         <autoPlay>1</autoPlay><!--0:not auto play,1:auto play,default:1-->
                         <loop>0</loop><!--0:not loop,1:loop,default:0-->
                         <bgcolor>0xf6efd3</bgcolor><!--the bgcolor for the player tool bar bg-->
                         <title><![CDATA[Video Title]]> </title>
                         <information><![CDATA[Auto Play:On,Loop:On.<br/>The author of this great preview video is <a href='http://videohive.net/user/dorde' target='_blank'><font color='#0098ff'>Dorde</font></a>.]]></information>
                         <autoPlay>1</autoPlay><!--0:not auto play,1:auto play,default:1-->
                         <loop>1</loop><!--0:not loop,1:loop,default:0-->

                  <!--the image node sample-->
                         <!--the media icon image-->
                         <!--the media resource,auto judge resource type by its suffix-->
                         <title><![CDATA[The Image Node Sample]]> </title>
                         <information><![CDATA[The row number and column number of the gallery's images could be set through the XML.<br/>The Envato <a href='http://envato.com/' target='_blank'><font color='#99ff00' size='14'>Envato Marketplaces</font></a> are ActiveDen, AudioJungle, CodeCanyon, ThemeForest, GraphicRiver, VideoHive, 3DOcean, CodeCanyon and the Tuts+ Marketplace.<br/>They are a set of interconnected sites that allow anyone to buy or sell all sorts of digital products, ranging from website templates, to tutorials, to royalty free stock graphics. When you create an account on one, it will work on any of them!<br/>Our mission is to help people to earn and to learn, online.<br/>We operate marketplaces where hundreds of thousands of people buy and sell digital goods every day, and a network of educational blogs where millions learn creative skills.<br/><br/>The Envato Marketplaces allow anyone to buy or sell digital goods like WordPress themes, background music, After Effects project files, Flash templates and much more.]]> </information>
                  <!--the swf node sample-->
                         <title><![CDATA[The Swf Node Sample]]> </title>
                         <information><![CDATA[The width and height of the grid unit icon could be defined through XML.<br/>The Envato <a href='http://envato.com/' target='_blank'><font color='#99ff00' size='14'>Envato Marketplaces</font></a> are ActiveDen, AudioJungle, CodeCanyon, ThemeForest, GraphicRiver, VideoHive, 3DOcean, CodeCanyon and the Tuts+ Marketplace.]]> </information>

                         <title><![CDATA[Audio Title]]> </title>
                         <information><![CDATA[Auto Play:On,Loop:Off. Use a swf as back ground.<br/>The author of this great preview audio is <a href='http://videohive.net/user/Slats' target='_blank'><font color='#0098ff'>Slats</font></a>.]]> </information>
                         <!--the desire audio face image width&height limit,the audio face image will be fill to the width and height limit,ommit this,will use the default size limit(600*450)-->
                         <autoPlay>1</autoPlay><!--0:not auto play,1:auto play,default:1-->
                         <loop>0</loop><!--0:not loop,1:loop,default:0-->
                         <bgcolor>0xc9d8e3</bgcolor><!--the bgcolor for the player tool bar bg-->              
                         <title><![CDATA[The Image Title]]> </title>
                         <information><![CDATA[The Gallery's Rotate Speed and Rotate Range could be set through XML.]]> </information>
                         <title><![CDATA[The Image Title]]> </title>
                         <information><![CDATA[The border size and its normal color and highlight could be set through the xml.]]> </information>

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    点击查看用户来源及管理<br>发贴IP:*.*.*.* 2011/9/17 22:43:00
     z359cn 帅哥哟,离线,有人找我吗?

    给z359cn发送一个短消息 把z359cn加入好友 查看z359cn的个人资料 搜索z359cn在『 HTML/XHTML/Ajax/Web 2.0/Web 3.0 』的所有贴子 引用回复这个贴子 回复这个贴子 查看z359cn的博客2
                            <title><![CDATA[SWF节点示例]]> </title>
                            <information><![CDATA[The width and height of the grid unit icon could be defined through XML.<br/>The Envato <a href='http://envato.com/' target='_blank'><font color='#99ff00' size='14'>Envato Marketplaces</font></a> are ActiveDen, AudioJungle, CodeCanyon, ThemeForest, GraphicRiver, VideoHive, 3DOcean, CodeCanyon and the Tuts+ Marketplace.]]> </information>

                    <!--the video node sample-->
                            <title><![CDATA[电影简介]]> </title>
                            <information><![CDATA[Auto Play:On,Loop:Off.<br/>Try out the draggable feature.<br/>Observe the playing progress,a smooth solution instead of NetStream.time.<br/>The author of this great preview video is <a href='http://videohive.net/user/dorde' target='_blank'><font color='#0098ff'>Dorde</font></a>.]]></information>


    点击查看用户来源及管理<br>发贴IP:*.*.*.* 2011/9/17 22:47:00
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