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     * 贴子主题: [原创][ EI/ISTP] 2011人工智能、软件工程与管理国际学术会议征文 离截稿日期还有25天 举报  打印  推荐  IE收藏夹 
       本主题类别: Semantic Web | Web Services    
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    发贴心情 [原创][ EI/ISTP] 2011人工智能、软件工程与管理国际学术会议征文 离截稿日期还有25天

    2011 WASE International Workshop on Advanced Intelligence, Software Engineer and Knowledge Management
    Call for Papers
    Xi'an, China, 30 July, 2011
    IWASK 2011已与International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (IJPRAI)期刊(SCI源刊)合作,遴选本届大会的优秀论文出版模式识别和人工智能方向的专刊,并邀请IJPRAI的主编,IAPR Fellow and ISIBM Fellow,Prof. Patrick S. P. Wang作为本次大会的关键报告人。

    WASE已经与国外著名出版社Wiley建立了战略合作关系,出版社旗下的Expert Systems: The Journal of Knowledge Engineering(SCI源刊)将以专刊的形式接收IWASK2011推荐的优秀论文。


    Journal of Computers (JCP, ISSN 1796-203X),
    Journal of Networks (JNW, ISSN 1796-2056),
    Journal of Software (JSW, ISSN 1796-217X),
    Journal of Multimedia(JMM, ISSN 1796-2048)

    2011 WASE International Workshop on Advanced Intelligence, Software Engineering and Knowledge Management (IWASK2011)In conjunction with 2011 WASE International conference on Information Engineering

    (ICIE2011 http://www.enjoywise.org/icie2011)

    2011 WASE International Workshop on Advanced Intelligence, Software Engineering and Knowledge Management (IWASK 2011) will be held on 30 July,2011 in Xi'an, China. IWASK 2011 provides a leading international forum for the sharing of original research results and practical development experiences among researchers and application developers from all areas related to the Advanced Intelligence, Software Engineering and Knowledge Management. And this workshop will be in conjunction with 2011 International Conference on Information Engineering.
    The theme of the plenary session is “Advanced Intelligence, Software Engineering and Knowledge Management” featuring invited speakers who will further explore this topic that is so significant for this fields. Concurrent sessions and a poster session will cover a wide range of topics and issues, including both contributed papers and special sessions developed on specific themes.
    You are invited to submit papers in all areas of Advanced Intelligence, Software Engineering and Knowledge Management. For detailed up-to-date information, please visit the WASE IWASK2011 conference website at: http://www.enjoywise.org/iwask11

    Important Dates
    Full paper submission: January 30, 2011
    Acceptance Notification: March 1, 2011
    Camera-ready papers: March 10, 2011
    Presenting author registration due: March 10, 2011
    Conference: July 30, 2011
    Please submit your papers to Easychair Conference System or icie@enjoywise.org

    The topics of the workshop include, but not limited to:

    Advanced Intelligence
    Adaptation and Learning
    Affective Computing
    Agents and Multi-agent Systems
    Biological Computing
    Brain and Mind Models
    Cognitive Informatics
    Complex Systems
    Distributed Intelligence
    Fuzzy Logic and other forms of Logic
    Integrated Intelligence Theory & Application
    Machine Learning
    Machine Translation
    Pattern Recognition
    Theories of Natural Intelligence

    Software Engineering
    Web services model and Internet application architecture
    MIS on economic development
    Business Process Re-engineering
    Quality Management
    Project Management
    Financial Engineering
    Supply Chain Management
    Software Engineering Management
    GIS Database Management
    Environment and Energy Management
    Human Resources Management

    Knowledge Management
    Business Intelligence
    Decision Support System
    National Data Infrastructure
    Knowledge Management and Semantic Web
    Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
    Intellectual Property Protection
    Computational Economics
    Software Warehouse and Software Mining
    Intelligence-related knowledge discovery
    Theoretic foundations and novel algorithms
    Privacy Preserving Data Mining

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