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    >> 本版讨论Java, J2SE, J2ME, J2EE, 以及Eclipse, NetBeans, JBuilder等Java开发环境,还有JSP, JavaServlet, JavaBean, EJB以及struts, hibernate, spring, webwork2, Java 3D, JOGL等相关技术。
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     hongjunli 帅哥哟,离线,有人找我吗?魔羯座1978-1-20
      等级:研二(中了一篇WWWC Poster)(版主)

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    发贴心情 [分享][下载]Java EE 5 Development with NetBeans 6  pdf

    Java EE 5 Development with NetBeans 6

    作者: David Heffelfinger
    副标题: Develop professional enterprise Java EE applications quickly and easily with this popular IDE
    ISBN: 9781847195463
    页数: 384
    定价: $50
    出版社: Packt
    装帧: pap
    出版年: 2008.10

      Java EE, the successor to J2EE, greatly simplifies the development of enterprise applications. The popular IDE, NetBeans, has several features that greatly simplify Java EE development, and this book shows you how to make use of these features to make your Java programming more efficient and productive than ever before.
      With many features and great flexibility, the Java develop
     Java EE, the successor to J2EE, greatly simplifies the development of enterprise applications. The popular IDE, NetBeans, has several features that greatly simplify Java EE development, and this book shows you how to make use of these features to make your Java programming more efficient and productive than ever before.
      With many features and great flexibility, the Java developer can become overwhelmed by the options available in NetBeans, This book helps you get control of the environment, and make it work for you so that you can concentrate on the important parts of your application.
      This book takes you through the most important parts of Java EE programming and, with clear, careful instructions and screenshots, shows you how to use the features of NetBeans that will improve your development experience. This book will not only show you time-saving tricks, keyboard shortcuts and other productivity enhancements possible with NetBeans, it will take you through the major Java EE APIs and how to get them working in the NetBeans environment.
      While focusing on NetBeans features, you will learn about developing applications using the servlet API and JSPs, including taking advantage of JSTL and developing custom JSP tags. Developing applications that take advantage of JavaServer Faces is also covered in detail, including how to generate standard JSF applications from an existing database schema. The book also covers how to easily develop elegant JSF applications by taking advantage of the NetBeans Visual Web designer.  

      David Heffelfinger is the Chief Technology Officer of Ensode Technology, LLC, a software consulting firm based in the greater Washington DC area. He has been architecting, designing and developing software professionally since 1995, he has been using Java as his primary programming language since 1996. He has worked on many large scale projects for several clients including the US Department of Homeland Security, Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae and the US Department of Defense. He has a Masters degree in Software Engineering from Southern Methodist University. David is editor in chief of Ensode.net (http://www.ensode.net), a web site about Java, Linux and other technology topics.


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     hongjunli 帅哥哟,离线,有人找我吗?魔羯座1978-1-20
      等级:研二(中了一篇WWWC Poster)(版主)

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    Java EE 5 Development with NetBeans 6

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