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    Shopping Online

    E-commerce has become a fact of modern life, with millions of people now regularly shopping from the convenience of their computers. Many retailers, from Abercrombie to Z Gallery, have websites where you can purchase products online, including flowers, pet food, and tonight's dinner. Why this explosion? Shopping online can save time and money, and people are more willing to give out their credit card numbers as online security has improved.

    Let's say you are looking for a bestselling novel. You can comparison shop to find the best price, order the book, and arrange to have it shipped to you overnight. The whole transaction can be done in minutes, saving a trip to the store. Better yet, you may pay less than 50% of the cover price and no sales tax.

    How To Buy Online
    While every site is a bit different, you will find many similarities. Most sites are like electronic catalogs(1). You browse for merchandise in various categories or search for specific items. Once you find something you want to buy, you add it to your electronic "shopping cart(2)," and continue shopping. When you're done, you review the contents of your cart, deciding whether you want to purchase all of them, or just a few. Your purchases are then totaled. Now it's time to check out.
    To buy the items you selected, you fill out a form, providing information such as your name, e-mail address, shipping information, and credit card number. Usually, you are advised how long it will take for delivery(3). Some sites e-mail you an order confirmation along with a tracking number.

    Within this general procedure, there are myriad(4) variations. Some sites, like computer e-stores, will build a computer to your specifications. At certain apparel sites, you can "try on" clothes using a virtual model. Many sites have customer service representatives who you can e-mail or chat with in real time, should you need assistance(5). Since customer service has become as vital(6) to online shopping as it has in the real world, expect to see a greater emphasis on making e-commerce a more shopper-friendly experience.

    There are too many shopping sites to begin to list them here. Start with LTN stores, online merchants that have our endorsement. If you are looking for a particular store, brand, or type of product, use a search engine to find the right site.

    Avoid Scams(7)
    Shop with businesses you already know and trust.  
    Pay by credit card for the same protection you have when shopping in the real world.  
    Don't send your credit card number by e-mail.  
    Be skeptical(8) of deals that appear too good to be true. They probably are.  
    Check the shipping costs, which could make the total purchase price more than what you would pay in a retail store.  
    Print a copy of your order for your records.  

      catalogs: n.目录、目录册、编目
      shopping cart: 购物篮
      delivery:v. 递送、交付、交货
      myriad: adj. 无数的,种种的
      assistance:n. 需要、帮助
      vital:adj. 至磁重要的,重大的,所必须的
      scam: n. 诡计
      skeptical:adj. 怀疑

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