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    >> Web服务(Web Services,WS), 语义Web服务(Semantic Web Services, SWS)讨论区: WSDL, SOAP, UDDI, DAML-S, OWL-S, SWSF, SWSL, WSMO, WSML,BPEL, BPEL4WS, WSFL, WS-*,REST, PSL, Pi-calculus(Pi演算), Petri-net,WSRF,
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    发贴心情  ICWS 2008 会议论文集下载(感谢zhaonix分享)

    ICWS 2008 Conference Proceedings Download

    A Clustering-based Approach for Assisting Semantic Web Service Retrieval
    A Comprehensive Six-Dimensional Quality of Web Services Assessment Model
    A Consistency-preserving Mechanism for Web Services Response Caching
    A Context-driven Content Adaptation Planner for Improving Mobile Internet Accessibility
    A DDL-based Model for Web Service Composition in Context-aware Environment
    A Dependable Infrastructure for Cooperative Web Services Coordination
    A Distributed e-Education System Based on the Service Oriented Architecture
    A Distributed Replication Strategy Evaluation and Selection Framework for Fault Tolerant Web Services
    A Distributed-SOA model for Unified Communication Services
    A Faceted Classification Based Approach to Search and Rank Web APIs
    A Faceted Requirements-Driven Approach to Service Design and Composition
    A Fast Method to Find Solution for Service Composition1
    A Formal Model of Human Workflow
    A Framework for the Semantic Composition of Web Services Handling User Constraints
    A Framework for Verifying SLA Compliance in Composed Services
    A Hybrid Approach to QoS-aware Service Composition
    A Hybrid Integrated Architecture for Language Service Composition
    A Meta-Model for Non-Functional Property Descriptions of Web Services
    A Model-Driven Framework for Enabling Self-Service Configuration of Business Services
    A Modeling Approach for Service-Oriented Application Based on Extensive Reuse
    A Monitoring Framework of WS-ResourceProperties in WS-GRAM
    A Policy-driven Distributed Framework for Monitoring Quality of Web Services
    A QoS-Oriented Reconfigurable Middleware For Self-Healing Web Services
    A Rule-Based Approach for Availability of Web Service
    A Semantic QoS-Aware Discovery Framework for Web Services
    A Temporal Data-Mining Approach for Discovering End-to-End Transaction Flows
    A Theory of Role Composition
    A Tree-based Method of Web Service Composition
    A Trust Vector Approach to Service-Oriented Applications
    A Unified Design Method of Asynchronous Service-Oriented Architecture Based on the Models and Patterns of Asynchronous Message Exchanges1
    A User-Oriented Approach to Automated Service Composition
    Adaptive Quality Recommendation Mechanism for Software Service Provisioning
    Algorithm for Extrapolating Blogger's Interests through Library Classification Systems
    An Acknowledgement-based Approach to Synthesizing Reliable Service Mediators
    An Adaptive Service Selection Approach to Service Composition
    An Approach to Check Choreography with Channel Passing in WS-CDL
    An Architecture for Context-aware Semantic Web Services
    An Efficient Syntactic Web Service Composition Algorithm Based on the Planning Graph Model
    An Overview and Evaluation of Web Services Security Performance Optimizations
    Anchor Semantics Enabled Ranking Method for Service Discovery and Integration
    Approaches to Improving Reliability in e-Engineering Framework
    Author Index
    Automated Web Service Composition Using Extended Representation of Planning Domain
    Automatic Service Composition Based on Enhanced Service Dependency Graph
    Automatically Determining Compatibility of Evolving Services
    Autonomic Ranking and Selection of Web Services by Using Single Value Decomposition Technique
    Building Profit-Aware Service-Oriented Business Applications
    CAFISE-S - An Approach to Deploying SOA in Scientific Information Integration
    Change Sequence Mining for Context Aware Service Process Customization
    Choreography = Orchestration with Scripts + Conversations
    Classification of SOA Contract Specification Languages
    Coding-Free Model-Driven Enablement Framework and Engineering Practices of a Context-Aware SOA Modeling Environment
    Communication over IP Based on Web Services
    Communications semantics for WSBPEL Processes
    Composing Adaptive Web Services on COTS Middleware
    Composition Context for Web Services Selection
    Conference on Web Services ICWS 2008 Table of Contents
    Conference Publishing Services (CPS)
    Control Flow Analysis and Coverage Driven Testing for Web Services
    Control Flow Intervention for Semantic Failure Handling during Composite Serice Execution
    Creating Bioinformatics Semantic Web Services from Existing Web Services - A Real-World Application of SAWSDL
    Data-enriched Modeling and Verification of WS-CDL Based on UML Models
    Declarative Constraint Framework for SOA Deployment and Configuration
    Design and Development of A University-Oriented Personalizable Web 2.0 Mashup Portal
    Developing Process Mediator for Web Service Interactions
    Development of Service Control Server for Web-Telecom Coordination Service
    Discovering Reference Process Models by Mining Process Variants
    Dynamic Availability Estimation for Service Selection Based on Status Identification
    Dynamic Exception Handling Based on Web Services and OPC XML-DA
    Dynamic Thread Count Adaptation for Multiple Services in SMP Environments
    Emergency Response Framework for Aviation XML Services on MANET
    Enhancing Security Modeling for Web Services using Delegation and Pass-on
    Evaluation of WSML Service Retrieval with WSMO-MX
    Explaining Reputation for Informed Web Services Selection
    Exploiting Independence in Design of Web Service Composition
    Exploiting Semantics for Analyzing and Verifying Business Rules in Web Services Composition and Contracting
    Extending WS-Notification with an Expressive Event Notification Broker
    Facilitating Dynamic Collaborations with eContract Services
    Flexible pattern monitoring for WS-BPEL through stateful aspect extension
    Generalized Semantics-based Service Composition
    High-Performance XML Parsing and Validation with Permutation Phrase Grammar Parsers
    Hybrid Parallelism for XML SAX Parsing
    Identifying Security Aspects in Web-based Federations
    InfoParser - Infoset Driven XML Processing for Web Services
    Information as a Service in a Data Analytics Scenario - A Case Study
    Integrating Information-Providing Web Services into the Data Integration System
    Integration and Data Sharing between WS-based Workflows
    Interoperability among Service Registry Implementations - Is UDDI Standard Enough
    Keynote 1 - Web Services - Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Communication, and Beyond
    Keynote 2 - Net-Enabled Applications for Commercial Aviation
    Keynote 3 - Mobile Services Business and Technology Trends
    Keynote Panel - Services Computing - A New Thinking Style of Education and Engineering
    Lazy XML Parsing-Serialization based on Literal and DOM Hybrid Representation
    MashupAdvisor - A Recommendation Tool for Mashup Development
    Measurement, Modeling, and Analysis of Internet Video Sharing Site Workload - A Case Study
    Middleware for Communication and Deployment of Time Independent Mobile Web Services
    Mining the Web of Trust for Web Services Selection
    Model-Driven Quality of Service for Web Services - an Aspect-Oriented Approach
    Modeling and Discovery of Data Providing Services
    Multimedia Content Provisioning using Service Oriented Architectures
    New Broadcasting System Combined with Radio Broadcasting and WWW
    On Extending Semantic Matchmaking to Include Preconditions and Effects
    On Synchronizing with Web Service Evolution
    Ontology-Based Test Modeling and Partition Testing of Web Services
    Optimised Mobile Reasoning for Pervasive Service Discovery
    Orchestrating caGrid Services in Taverna
    Panel 1 - Cloud Computing and IT as a Service - Opportunities and Challenges
    Panel 2 Smarter SOA
    Panel 3 How Can Web Services Help Civil Aviation
    Performance Comparison of Web Service Engines in PHP, Java, and C
    Publishing Dynamic State Changes of Resources Through State Aware WSDL
    QoS-driven Selection of Web Services for Transactional Composition
    Realizing an Open Ubiquitous Environment in a RESTful Way
    Redundant-free web services composition based on a Two-phase algorithm
    Reliability Analysis of Component-Based Software Based on Relationships of Components
    S OFT A LLOC - A Work Allocation Language with Soft Constraints
    SCWIM An Integrity Model for SOA Networks
    Semantic and Syntactic Data Flow in Web Service Composition
    Service Design for 3D Virtual World Learning Applications
    Service Differentiation for Business Process by Value Based Service Scheduling
    Service Level Agreement based Grid Scheduling
    Services Characterization with Statistical Study on Existing Web Services
    Specify and Compose Web Services by TLA1
    Support Web Services Composition with Optimal Cost Using PPA
    SWFilter - Semantic Web Services Filtering System
    Tool Support for Safety Analysis of Service Composition and Deployment Models
    Toward a Model-based Approach to Dynamic Adaptation of Composite Services
    Toward the Development of Contextually Aware Business Applications via Model-driven Transformations
    Towards a Reversible BPEL Debugger
    Towards Heuristic Web Services Composition Using Immune Algorithm
    Towards Scalable Web Service Composition With Partial Matches
    Towards verifying contract regulated service composition
    Transforming Abstract QoS Requirements, Preferences, and Logic Constraints for Automatic Web Service Composition
    Transparent Reputation Management for Composite Web Services
    Trust Management for Web Services
    Tutorial 1 - Common Business Components and Services toward More Agile and Flexible Industry Solutions and Assets
    Tutorial 2 - About The Speakers -
    Tutorial 3 - Make the Consumable Services via REST
    Tutorial 4 - About the Speakers -
    Using User Interface Design to enhance Service Identification
    Web Services Discovery based on Latent Semantic Approach
    WS-CCDL - A Framework for Web Service Collaborative Context Definition Language for Dynamic Collaborations

    [此贴子已经被作者于2011-1-2 22:48:21编辑过]

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    InfoQ SOA首席编辑胡键评《RESTful Web Services中文版》

    点击查看用户来源及管理<br>发贴IP:*.*.*.* 2008/9/30 12:39:00
     wow 帅哥哟,离线,有人找我吗?

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    点击查看用户来源及管理<br>发贴IP:*.*.*.* 2008/9/30 21:45:00
     zhaonix 帅哥哟,离线,有人找我吗?
      等级:研一(日夜苦读RDF Semantics)

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    admin辛苦了!  P.S. 如果把Table of Content也传上来或许会更好?
    点击查看用户来源及管理<br>发贴IP:*.*.*.* 2008/10/2 22:47:00
     admin 帅哥哟,离线,有人找我吗?

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    以下是引用zhaonix在2008-10-2 22:47:00的发言:
    admin辛苦了!  P.S. 如果把Table of Content也传上来或许会更好?




    InfoQ SOA首席编辑胡键评《RESTful Web Services中文版》

    点击查看用户来源及管理<br>发贴IP:*.*.*.* 2008/10/2 23:09:00
     Victsm 帅哥哟,离线,有人找我吗?

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    点击查看用户来源及管理<br>发贴IP:*.*.*.* 2008/10/4 19:04:00
     qupanwind 帅哥哟,离线,有人找我吗?

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    点击查看用户来源及管理<br>发贴IP:*.*.*.* 2008/10/9 11:37:00
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    点击查看用户来源及管理<br>发贴IP:*.*.*.* 2008/10/10 11:22:00
     luckyday2007 美女呀,离线,快来找我吧!

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    点击查看用户来源及管理<br>发贴IP:*.*.*.* 2008/10/11 17:54:00
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    点击查看用户来源及管理<br>发贴IP:*.*.*.* 2008/10/13 9:29:00
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    发贴心情 谢谢楼主,辛苦了!
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